I absolutely adore women and racing cars. The fabulous Goodwood Revival delivers both in mind-boggling spades. Just look at these pages of gorgeous women of all ages, shapes, and styles done up to the nines. The girls really know how to turn it on and hit every detail bang on. Just give them the opportunity and they are right there, front and center. These pictures tell it all.
Taking these photos, talking to all these lovely women, and putting this site together was such a pleasure and makes me smile at the girls as they uncork and strut their stuff. Men love to look at women, and women love to look at women, so I hope everyone will enjoy these girls as much as I do.
If anyone wishes to contact me
regarding this site or my book, please do: paul@goodwoodgirls.com
...and if any of the girls who appear here would like hi-res copies of your photo, I will be happy to provide them to you free of charge. After all, you gave them to me!